No! I'm not having twins but I did get a glimpse into the life of having twins today. My friend, Kristen, dropped her little girl, Eva, off while she went to work for a few hours. Kristen is going to be working at the hospital that is about 1 mile from my house and I offered to watch her little girl while she worked. It worked outs really well since Kristen is only going to be working part time and I live so close to where she works. I don't really want to watch kids every day of the week so this will give me a little extra spending money but still leave the majority of my week open. Kristen said it really well when she said, "I don't want to do anything everyday besides be a mom". At 5 months old, Eva is only a couple months younger than Jack so we had quite the afternoon.
Jack reading a book to Eva |
Eva enjoying Jack's "Circle of Neglect" |
taking a little break for some hand holding |
I do believe these two will be trouble when they get older |
Jack giving Eva a little pat on her head |
They both did really well. Jack was happy to share his mommy and Eva was happy to play with a friend and some new toys. The only hard part was when they both got tired at the same time and needed to be put down for a nap, but we managed just fine.
I may not be bringing home the bacon, but now I'm able to bring home a few bacon bits!
I think someone knew what they were talking about when they made sure a woman couldn't have babies 2.5 months apart!
Thanks again so much for watching Eva for me! It is obvious that she had a great time with Jack!
P.S. I love that you refer to the exersaucer as the "Circle of Neglect!" Too funny!
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