29 June 2010

Ba-boom, Ba-boom, Ba-boom

We had our latest doctor's appointment today and everything looks good.  We got to meet another doctor that works for the practice and this one, like the others we have met, was really nice.  I am okay with him delivering my baby...when the time comes.  I had to have my finger pricked to test my iron, got weighed and had my blood pressure checked by the nurse before Dave and I headed back to the examination room.  When the doctor came in, he said that my iron, weight and blood pressure were all good.  I have gained about 3 pounds and he said that's just fine.  He also said (several times) that I look really good!  I might just stop by to see him occasionally for the ego boost!  Next, the doctor measured my belly from the my pubic bone to the top of my uterus with a measuring tape and I measured right on schedule.  Finally, he pulled out his fetal doppler machine so that he could listen to the baby's heartbeat.  He was able to locate the heartbeat rather quickly, but then lost it.  Apparently, the baby likes doing cartwheels because every time the doctor found the heartbeat the baby jumped away.  He finally got a good reading and told us the baby's heart-rate was 151.

The doctor told us at our next appointment, I will have my comprehensive ultrasound where they will measure the baby and will hopefully be able to tell us Mini Mulley's sex.  At that appointment I will also have my glucose screening.  I will have to drink some super sweet drink and then wait for an hour before having my blood drawn to see if I have gestational diabetes.  It will definitely be a marathon doctor's visit...but we are excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!

After I met with the doctor, I had to get some blood drawn to test for chromosomal abnormalities.  We will get those results in approximately ten days.

Our next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20.

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