02 June 2011

Social Run

Tonight, Dave went out for the final Social Run for NCRC's May Series.  It's an opportunity to get together with a group of people in the club and go for a five mile run and some socialization afterward.  Jack decided to accompany his dad for the run.  After dinner, the boys packed up and headed on down the Carolina Ale House to meet up with everyone.  There are always door prizes at the social runs and this week Jack was one of the winners!  He won a gift certificate to The Melting Pot.  I guess he really wants his parents to go out on a date.

While the boys were out, I got some much needed alone time.  I sewed Jack a hooded towel (more on that in another post) and then I played around on my electronic craft cutter.  It was so nice to be able to finish a task without interruption.

1 comment:

Aunt Kori said...
