11 June 2011

Having a Baby Changes Everything

Wow!  I started this post back at the beginning of March.  I guess it's about time I finish it and publish it.

I'm not sure if it is a national ad or just a local one, but we have a series of public service announcements on television around here and the tag line is "Having a baby changes everything".  Here is one of the commercials from the series:

I always thought, "Duh?! Of course, having a baby will changes everything."  Now that I have a baby of my own, I really understand what they were trying to say.  Having a baby really does change everything!

Now that I have Jack, my heart no long resides in my chest.  It is it's own living breathing organism in the form of Jack.  Everything that he experiences, I experience.  Everything that he feels, I feel.  It's hard to describe, but I bet if you have a child you will understand.  I never knew I could love someone as much as I do Jack.

My relationships have also changed.  People that I was super close with and considered some of my best friends I hardly ever hear from anymore.  I never thought that would happen.  I thought, if anything, I would be closer to those who knew me before Jack-I thought they would love Jack as much as I do.  On the other hand, people that I wasn't terribly close with before I had Jack have become some of my closest friends now.  I guess we have new things to talk about.

Oh, and the things I talk about now were never a part of my dialog before I had Jack.  Dave and I discuss diapers (and their contents), cheer for farts and burps and thoroughly appreciate nap time (even though it's not ours anymore).

I originally thought the commercials were warning teens that having a baby changes everything, but now I think it's a warning for everyone.  I love Jack more than anything in the world, but I am amazed daily by how much he has changed my life.  Before I do or even consider doing anything, I think about how that decision will effect Jack.  There is no more running out to dinner because I don't feel like cooking, there's no more going out for drinks after work (mostly because I don't have a job) and there are certainly no more quick weekend get-aways.  Nothing is quick with Jack along for the ride- things take twice as long now (hence why this blog is being published 3 months after I started writing it) and I wouldn't have it any other way!


Anonymous said...

I like your posts... This one is so true :-) You sound like you are a great Mommy!

Lin said...

And the changes keep on happening for the next 30 years at least! An old lady on the bus years ago told me when my baby was jumping up and down on my lap - They make your arms ache when they're young and your heart ache when they're older! How true!