03 September 2010

Say What?!

As I approach the third trimester of my pregnancy I thought I would offer some helpful advice to people on what NOT to say to a pregnant woman (or any woman for some instances).

1.  "Wow!  You are huge!  Are you sure you aren't carrying twins?" 

2.  "How much weight have you gained?  I only gained 15 pounds when I was pregnant."  My doctor is pleased with my progress and I know this is a time in my life when I am supposed to be gaining weight.

3.  "You know, when I was (enter # of weeks pregnant you are), I experienced (enter traumatic event)."  I don't need to be stressed out by all the horror stories that could possibly happen.  My imagination is plenty active as it is.

4.  "Can I touch your belly?"  This one doesn't really bother me if it's someone I know-but when strangers in the DMV ask-it's a little weird.

5.  Any and all unsolicited advice about Baby's name.  We have a short list of names that we are considering and your thoughts aren't very likely to change our minds.

6.  "Oh, should you really be eating that?"  Why, yes I am!  Thank you so much for asking.

7.  "Are you going to have baby circumcised?"  I'm not sure I want to discuss my child's penis with you.

8.  All of the terrible birth stories where mom or baby nearly died.  Again, my imagination is plenty active as it is.  These haven't bothered me yet, but I'm assuming the closer we get to delivery the more they will bother me.

9.  "Wow!  Your life is really getting ready to change."  No s#!+!  I thought everything would be exactly the same after we brought a real live pooping machine into the house.

10.  "I'm not sure you can handle being a mom."  Who says that to someone who is pregnant?!  Gee, I really should have taken a poll before I got pregnant to see if I was up to the challenge!


Season Doff said...

Or how about all the unsolicited advice on diapering, breastfeeding, schedules, sleeping arrangements.

Really people...

Elizabeth said...

haha, I 100% agree, Season!

Theresa said...

OMG. This is so funny - and true. People all of a sudden think they can be part of you and your baby's life just b/c they can see your belly! Well good luck not losing your cool as you get bigger and more grouchy! haha.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people would try to infulence your baby's name. It is gonna be Reba and that is it!

Shane and Bridgett said...

At least people stop asking when you're going to get preggers!

Elizabeth said...

Very true, McDowells-but that is only because we are pregnant. There was a pool at the wedding where people were picking dates of when we would get pregnant.

Anonymous said...

You don't need a list of names. We have had this discussion. Remember I told you it was "Rupert" especially after you told me Hermione was out.