20 September 2010

Scout & Molly

Saturday, Dave and I went to North Hills to look at a diaper bag that I was interested in that I had seen online.  While we are driving around North Hills looking for the baby boutique, we found a store called Scout & Molly's.  We were absolutely floored!  We had no idea that our sweet pups had opened a store and were selling designer clothes.  We are certainly going to start expecting them to chip in and pay some rent now that they are selling two-hundred dollar jeans!

After we made that discovery, we went over to the baby boutique and looked at diaper bags.  Before we could get out of the store the sales lady did a quick demonstration of the fancy UppaBaby Stroller system.  Oh my...that is fancy...and expensive!

All is well here, Dave went and volunteered at a race all day yesterday and I laid on the couch all day.  I wasn't feeling very well.  I'm feeling great today and hoping for a great week ahead!

1 comment:

Katie Johnson said...

You should check out Love in Bloom Maternity, over on Lake Boone Trail - GREAT clothes and super helpful sales people. Prices are not as cheap as say, Motherhood but they aren't "designer expensive" either.