02 December 2010

Locked Up...

We just got back from our doctors appointment and things did not go as I had planned.  The doctor did not take one look at me and send me straight to the hospital for delivery.  He did an internal exam and said that I am 1 centimeter dilated and about 50% effaced.  While all of this is great news, it most likely means that Baby will not be coming out to play today.  This is a very tough pill to swallow for a Type A personality like myself.

I also mentioned to the doctor that I hadn't felt the baby move in a while and he then put me on the NST (non-stress test) machine to make sure everything still looked okay.  I stayed on the machine for about 25 minutes and listened to Baby's steady heartbeat and felt for movements.  The doctor said everything looked good and that Baby has a strong healthy heartbeat.  The reason for less movement might just be because his living quarters are getting a little too small for him.

We are scheduled to go back to the doctor next week on December 9 for our next appointment.  This is also the doctor given due date.  If I am still not in labor by then, we will go ahead and schedule an induction for the following week. 

Who wants to come over and help me will this baby out of me???

I am now going to drown my "no baby having sorrows" in some chips and salsa...since margaritas are still out of the question.


Kristen said...

Baby will be here soon!! Do lots of walking and spicy food. I do know that one of my friends did the castor oil thing and it worked. Not pleasant, but it definitely worked! Good luck sister!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, let's see....one week past Dec. 9 would be the 16th:) My guess. Hang in there, Sweetie. Hope to be seeing you soon. I'll give you a call tomorrow afternoon to check in. Love you.