08 December 2010


Today, I got a text message from Bridgett of McBridgett and it made me laugh for quite a while.  It just goes to show the humor that ensues with the AutoCorrect function on our phones.  For those who are unfamiliar with AutoCorrect- it is a feature that automatically detects and corrects typos or misspelled words.

Bridgett:  I hope the baby boner today just to spite the doc...and your sanity too.  Good luck!

Me:  What about my baby's boner?

Bridgett:  HA!  I meant I hope the baby comes today

Me:  Oh...I was concerned that my baby was going to come out with a boner!  Phew!  I'm hoping for some action today, too (but no boners)!

I may be delirious, but I had tears from laughing so hard from that interaction. 

Check out http://damnyouautocorrect.com/ for more AutoCorrect hijinks.

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