17 December 2010


While Jack is sleeping and Dave is out running some errands for me, I have a little bit of time to blog.  Although, Dave and I love sitting at home and staring at admiring Jack all day, it is also really nice to have people stop by and visit us and meet Jack.  We have been trying to get a picture of everyone that visits, but I know I have missed a few people.  Don't worry, I'll catch you next time!

Aunt Bridgett (of Auntle McBridgett)

Uncle Shane (the other half of Auntle McBridgett)
Great Aunt Kay
Great Uncle Bobby
Elissa-ready to attack anyone who tries to take Jack from her. Kori-counting fingers.
Aunt Kori loving on "The Gimel"
Geoff-admiring Jack's jumping jack technique
three-fifths of the Brown clan
Ken and Steph...Jack was melting into Steph's arms
Ken-dwarfing Jack and making him look even smaller

Uncle Chip and Auntie Allee are planning on coming down to meet Jack this evening.  Challison (as they are know of when they are together) should be an entertaining break from feeding, diapering and napping.
Jack and I are pretty much staying home-with the exception of doctor's visits so please feel free to stop by and visit with us.  It would be best if you call, email or text before you come just so I can make sure all of my wobbly bits are tucked away.  Make sure you brush your hair and your teeth before you come because we will be taking your picture!

1 comment:

Susie Q said...

You crack me up. Love all the pics, mama!