We went to the doctor today and Elizabeth's blood pressure was up again. Since today is her doctor given due date they went ahead and sent us to the hospital for some tests and a possible induction.
When we got to the hospital, Elizabeth got gowned up and hooked to some machines. The doctor came by looked at the tape from the fetal monitor and at her blood pressure and quickly decided to admit her and start the induction process.
We were then taken to a Labor and Delivery room. At this point I ran home to get some stuff/take care of the dogs and Elizabeth got hooked up to an IV and had some blood drawn for lab work. The doctor did another internal exam and they started her on Pitocin to get her contractions going. Her blood pressure is being monitored regularly.
The doctor just came in and broke her water and since then her contractions have intensified.
We will try to update you as we can.
Hooray! Good luck!
I don't know. You aren't in a bathroom stall or between the entry doors of a hospital. Where's your sense of adventure?
Good luck!
Good luck! Keep us posted! Thinking of you and wishing a safe, quick, and easy delivery for you!
I hope your hospital pack is doing you well and that you didn't forget any essentials for you, Dave and Baby.
Bring a healthy baby to Strickland X-mas and I just might bring a boyfriend! How's that for motivation?! Congrats girl!
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