I picked Dave up from the airport around 10 o'clock last night. He spent the week in Portland, Oregon for work. After his long day of travel we had to get to sleep because today was jam packed with stuff to do.
This morning, we got up and went to our first of two Childbirth Classes. The class was held at our OB/Gyn office which is really close to the house. We learned all about what to expect when is comes to the labor and delivery experience. When to call the doctor, when to wait, what's going to happen when you get to the hospital, what to bring with you to the hospital, etc. I really enjoyed the instructor and feel like I walked away with a better understanding of what's to come. As most of you know, Dave and I are planners and we like to be as prepared as possible. Going to this class helps to put our minds at ease...even if just a little bit. The unfortunate side is that the other couple in our class is rather annoying. She mom-to-be is asking all sorts of stupid questions (ones that she should be asking her doctor) and seems really interested in what my opinion is on everything from donating cord blood to how I feel about the name Turpentine for her baby. Dave, who is usually a very patient person (he married me after-all), finds her even more annoying than I do-so she must be pretty bad!
After class ended we stopped by the house and picked up our coupons and then headed to
Buy Buy Baby to buy all of the essentials for baby. We chose to register at Buy Buy Baby because when we initially went to check out the store. We liked the layout, the merchandise options and the customer service is amazing. We know that it's not necessarily close to where we live, but we loved the customer service that much! Buy Buy Baby is owned by the same company as
Bed Bath & Beyond so we are able to use Bed Bath & Beyond coupons as well as other competitor's coupons when shopping. We had a couple 20% off coupons, a 25% off coupon, $25 off coupon and because we were closing out our registry, the store gave us a 10% off coupon. We ended up saving a ton of money...but in the process we spent a ton of money! As always, everyone at Buy Buy Baby was super helpful. We had one girl running all over the store finding things for us and giving us suggestions of better products than what we had originally selected. When we finally had three shopping carts full of stuff we headed over to check out. The cashier was great at helping us use all of our coupons and saving us as much money as possible. Once we handed over all of our money, another girl came and helped up load the car. Thank goodness we bought the Subaru last weekend! We would have had to make 15 trips in the Mini to get all of our goodies home.
When we got home, Dave went to work putting some of the stuff together. Our main priority is the car seat and the stroller. The stroller came in a tiny box. It was so tiny, that we asked several people if they were sure the stroller was in there. Dave had very little trouble putting the stroller and it's components together. It's a good thing he had all those years of experience working for Toys R Us back in the UK.
The car seat. |
Scout helping Daddy |
Lots of progress |
Stroller with the car seat attached |
Mommy modeling the car seat stroller |
Stroller with the bassinet attachment |
After we finished putting stuff together and putting everything away, we headed out to the front yard to watch our neighborhood Halloween parade. Many of the neighborhood kids and several of the adults donned their Halloween costumes and made their way down our street for the parade. After the parade everyone gathered for a block party-complete with pizza, drinks, dessert and a 24 foot inflatable slide. We LOVE our neighborhood!
Needless to say, we are exhausted from our busy day! We are hunkered down on the couch watching some tv before heading to bed.