26 October 2010

Fuh Fuh Fuh Freezing!

Ha!  No, I'm not talking about the weather.  It's going to be in the mid to high 80s (27 C) this week.  We are definitely looking for some fall weather to cool me off!

A couple of weeks ago, we ordered a chest freezer to put in our garage.  It was delivered today!  We can now stock up on food at Costco and have a place to store it. 

My plan is to make a bunch of meals and freeze them so that the last thing I need to think about after Baby arrives is what to make for dinner.  I hope that you out there is Interweb Land will be able to offer some suggestions and recipes for meals that freeze really well.  Please remember, that my very sweet husband does not eat cheese.  It's hard to find many one dish meals that don't include cheese, but I'm sure there are some out there.

Granny Roady is planning on coming down next week for a couple of days and we are going to have a meal prep festival in my kitchen. 

Feel free to comment on this blog entry or shoot me an email with some dinner suggestions and recipes!


Emma P said...


I made loads of bolognaise (as in spaghetti bolognese) that had carrots / courgettes / mushrooms. That froze really well and then only took 10 mins to cook the pasta but gave lots of nice veggies. I also made pork casserole (loads of nice winter veg) and beef casserole. I put them into tupperware pots for 1 or 2 portions and they gave us meals for about 3-4 weeks after Harry was born. Was a life saver. Hope that helps!!! Em xxx

Kristen said...

Hey girl! Check out this Paula Deen recipe. I am sure you can leave out the cheese and it will taste just fine. I just made it for a few friends and it was a hit! Enjoy!