06 September 2011

A Boy and His Dog

Scout hasn't gotten a lot of blog attention...ever, but this post is dedicated to her.  She is, by far, the best dog in the whole world.  I got her when she was about a year old from a rescue center that fostered dogs until they could find their forever home.  When they found her, she was at a shelter emaciated and about to be put down.  They brought her back to health and let her come live with me.  When I brought her home, I was caught off guard by how much she needed.  She needed training, regular potty breaks, walk and lots and lots of love.  She has always been a very gentle dog and very friendly with anyone she encounters.  When we got Molly, we got her for Scout.  We thought she would have a very difficult time when Jack entered the world. 

Scout is the most amazing dog with Jack.  He chases her in his walker, crawls all over her, pulls her ears, separates her toes, yanks on her tail and Scout just sits there and takes it.  Never shows any aggression, never so much as bats an eye when he charges her with his evil grin.

I am so lucky that such an amazing dog chose me to be her Mommy.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Let's not kid ourselves, this should be titled "A Girl and Her Dog."