I'm still learning how to manage my time with a newborn around. Sometimes Jack doesn't love to be put down so Mommy can get some things done-so I have learned to be creative. In the morning, I strap him on me using our
Moby Wrap and then I'm able to get some stuff done. Like yesterday morning, I prepared dinner in the crock-pot and cleaned up the kitchen a tad. Right now, Jack has about a one hour limit in any sort of wrap or carrier then he wants out. Today, I was feeling a bit crafty so I started on a project for Jack while he was strapped on. Then, Jack gave me the greatest gift ever this afternoon...a 2 hour nap in his crib! As soon as he went down and I knew he was going to stay down for a while, I quickly ran to the kitchen and started baking. I made a yummy pumpkin bread and then I realized Jack was
still asleep so I went back to my morning craft and finished that up.
I'm not going to lie...when I found out we were having a boy, I was a little disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to make all the super cute outfits that I had always dreamed about. Now that I have Jack in my life, I couldn't imagine life being any other way. So, I've been thinking of things that I can make for Jack that will keep my crafty gene happy and I decided to make Jack some "formal wear".
After I made this one, I realized that it's still too cold for a short sleeved onsie and the tie is a little too big (half of it would be tucked in his pants) so I made some adjustments and made another one.
Look who's ready for corporate America! |
Jack is super cute! Hope you are doing well! Love to read all of the updates!
Carin Hardman Barber
This is awesome! You are so crafty!
My friend also makes birthday onesies for her kids (1 month, 2 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc). She also makes fun burp cloths out of the plan diapers and grosgrain ribbon. Just some thoughts...
At first I thought YOU took a nap in Jack's crib! I love your blogs. Great to see you all. You made my b.day extra special.
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