05 January 2011

Jack's 3 Week Appointment

Jack had his 3 week well baby check-up today.  He actually turned 3 weeks last Friday, but this was the first appointment we could get for him. 

This was just an appointment to check on his progress and to see how I was doing.  I had to fill out a questionnaire on how I'm dealing with my new role as Mom.  I think I'm doing pretty well-much better than I expected I would do.  I am a little hard on myself sometimes, but I'm working on being more patient with myself.

I never blogged about Jack's 1 week appointment (I'm sure I was a little overwhelmed at that point) but I'll give you a quick run down:

weight:  7 lb, 12 oz (50th percentile)
height:  20 inches (50th percentile)
head:  35.4 cm (55th percentile)

We also met with the lactation specialist and discussed breastfeeding.  Jack was breastfeeding really well and was doing a great job of latching on.

Now, onto today's 3 week appointment:

weight: 10 lb, 7 oz (75th percentile)
height: 21.5 inches (50th percentile)
head:  38 cm (50th percentile)

The doctor said that on average, babies gain about a half an ounce a day.  It was 21 days since Jack's last appointment so if he was average he would have gained about 10.5 ounces.  He has gained 40 ounces!  The doctor was not at all concerned.  He said that Jack was in the middle of a growth spurt and things would probably slow down soon.  He is very please with his progress and especially pleased that Jack isn't spitting up.  Apparently, if you are growing as quickly as he is there tends to be a lot of spitting up.

The doctor predicts that Jack will likely be a football player (hopefully European style) or possibly a rugby player since he's bulking up already.

Our next well baby visit is February 11 for his 2 month check-up.

Here are some pictures to keep you going until the next update:


Allison said...

Go Jack!! I can't wait to snuggle you!!

Kristen said...

He is too cute, Liz!