19 August 2010

Follow-up Doctors Appointment and Movement

I had my follow-up doctors appointment this afternoon.  The baby is doing great and is very healthy.  I am measuring right where I should be and his heartbeat sounds great (actually like music to our ears) at 141 bpm.  The doctor has also put me on modified bedrest indefinitely.  With my job, I am on my feet and moving around way too much and the doctor feels that I should be taking it a little easier.  I'm sure that I could go back to work but the problem is that I would do too much (I'm a bit of a control freak) and then end up back on bedrest but possibly restrictive bedrest.  I'd rather take it easy now and hopefully stay on modified bedrest so that I can still get up and move around some instead of busting my ass at work and then having to go on restrictive bedrest and have to have someone wipe my butt.

If anyone wants to come visit me and/or entertain me--just let me know. My schedule is pretty wide open!

On a fun note-Baby Mulley has been moving around a lot lately.  This morning after I took my shower I was laying in the bed and I looked down and my belly was moving every time Baby moved.  It was pretty crazy.  I called Dave in and he was able to see it too.  Not much longer and I'll look like there is an alien in my belly.  Feeling him move around is really comforting.

My next doctor's appointment is on September 2 for a check-up and glucose screening.


Kori said...

Can I come over? All day, everyday? K, great, we will play lots of games of rummy? Yay about all the good news:)

Mary Jane said...

Good Luck tomorrow - keep us posted - pleeeease - Mum & Tony xx