03 May 2010

It's an Astronaut!

So we went in for our follow-up appointment this afternoon to see how everything was progressing.  There was a lot of waiting-probably since our appointment was for late in the day and there are always people that need to be seen for emergencies.  We waited patiently until we were called back to the ultrasound room.  We went back there and "assumed the position" and waited for the doctor to come in and work his magic.  When Dr. G came in he performed another ultrasound and was quickly able to see Olive.  He found a very strong heartbeat and said that everything looked good.  He said Olive was upside down like an astronaut.  He printed out several pictures and told us to come to his office once I was dressed.  We walked down to his office and he was busy attaching the ultrasound pictures to decorative paper and drawing his pictures to describe the Olive's positioning (since you really can't tell anything in those black and white pictures).  While he was drawing his very realistic pictures (Dave is going to very disappointed if the Olive comes out and doesn't have that big goofy smile on it's face), I told him about my situation at work with the difficult student and he was not happy about it.  He said that I shouldn't be dealing with any aggressive students and he wrote me a note to that affect.

When we got home, I emailed my supervisor and told her that I had a doctor's note saying that I could not handle or work with aggressive or confrontational students.  She wasn't pleased, but said she would try and work something out.

I scheduled my next two appointments-one with the OB Coordinator (to go over medical history and set up billing) on May 6 and my next regular OB visit on May 26.  I'll keep you updated on the progress.

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