Unfortunately, we have been keeping a little secret from our friends and family for quite a while now. We want to start off by apologizing for all the fibs, half-truths and flat-out lies that we have been telling you, but please know that it was all for good reason.
We couldn't be more excited to tell you that we are welcoming the newest Mulley to our family this fall! Baby Mulley #2 is expected to arrive November 4, 2012.
Here's what's been going on...
26 Feb: I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. YAY! That night, as Dave was putting Jack to bed, I overheard them talking on the baby monitor. Dave said to Jack, "Are you ready to be a big brother? I just know you are going to be so good and will love your baby brother or sister."
Melt my heart! And the lack of control over my emotions begins!
9 Mar: Had to go into the doctor a little earlier than expected as I was having some cramping and spotting. Got an early ultrasound and some blood work. Everything looked okay, but I would be going back for a follow-up appointment in a couple weeks.
11 Mar: Started feeling a little bit nauseous, but nothing too big of a deal. No vomiting, just a yucky feeling here and there.
13 Mar: Med with the OB Nurse to discuss medical history. Got some more blood work done. When I left I look like I had been in a knife fight the bruising was so bad.
this was taken over a week after they drew blood... |
15 Mar: Bunco night in the neighborhood. I didn't drink and was immediately asked if I was pregnant. I lied! (
Sorry neighborhood friends!)
16Mar: Happy hour at a local bar with friends. I didn't drink. Told everyone that I had consumed too much at Bunco the night before. (
Sorry Marcus, Tati, Rob, Rick, Deron and Jess!) Why the heck is everyone inviting me out to drink now. I haven't had an invite to drink it months!
19 Mar: Had my follow-up appointment from my ultrasound on the 9th. This ultrasound found a healthy little embryo with a heartbeat (YAY!) and also something else in my uterus. Maybe another gestational sac? Doctor said we'd keep an eye on it.
24 Mar: Threw up for the first time. I was at a race with Dave and desperately needed to use the restroom. The obnoxious race volunteers wouldn't let me use the real bathrooms inside so I had to use the porta-potty. As soon as I had one foot in the outhouse, I lost my lunch! I don't do well in a porta-potty on good days...especially not when I've been experiencing some nausea. (
Yes Rebecca, I was pregnant. I laughed off your comment at the time. I apologize for the fib.)
29 Mar: Ultrasound. This was supposed to be my first, but I had some complications earlier. No changes with the other UFO in my uterus, but the baby looked healthy and has a strong heartbeat. Doctor said I'm measuring right with my due date of November 4.
19 Apr: Mom straight-up asked me, "Are you working on Mulley #2?" I lied, "Nope." (
Sorry, Mom!)
20 Apr: Went in for my monthly "belly check". All my numbers looked great, said the doctor and I got to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. Such a sweet sound! All is looking good. Mom was visiting so I took this opportunity to tell her about our newest addition. I gave her a picture frame with all SIX of her grandkids' pictures. Needless to say, she was thrilled for us!
*I typically blog while Jack is napping, but lately I have been taking advantage of Jack's naptime to do a little napping of my own. That is one of the reasons that the blogging has been a little sparse lately. I'm hoping that blogging will pick up again now that I'm not quite as tired as I was there for a while.*