11 February 2011

2 Months

Wow!  Where has the time gone?  Jack is 2 months old!

Here are Jack's stats from his 2 month doctors appointment:

Weight:  13 pounds, 10 ounces (89th percentile)
Height:  22.75 inches (45th percentile)
Head:  41 centimeters (74th percentile)

So currently, Jack is a little rolly polly, but the doctor said that everything is looking great.  Jack got some vaccinations today and did awesome.  The worst part for him was when the nurse held his legs down.  He was a little cranky this evening but we aren't sure if that is from the vaccinations or his gas.

This month Jack:
  • is wearing a size 1/2 diaper
  • is wearing size 0-3 month clothes
  • is smiling
  • is cooing (ah-boo, ah-goo, eeeeee)
  • sticking his tongue out
  • holding his head up
  • still rolling over from tummy to back
  • is able to entertain himself for about 15 minutes at a time
  • he had his first 7 hour stretch of sleep last night...let's hope this is a trend
He's such a sweet baby and we are treasuring every day with him!


Kristen said...

What a sweet babe! Can't wait for Eva and Jack to meet!

Mary Jane said...

Oh our little cutie, we feel we know you so well, Jack you are so like your daddy - Nanny & Grandad Tony xxxx