07 July 2010

Boy or Girl

Our "Big Ultrasound" was scheduled for July 20.  This is the ultrasound where they measure the abdomen of the baby, the chest which includes a 4-chamber view of the baby's heart, legs and arms, head and neck, spine and we can also determine the baby's gender (if Mini Mulley is cooperative and shows us the goods).  I had to call the doctor's office today to reschedule our appointment because there is a chance that Dave is travelling the week the 20th.  Our next appointment is now going to be on July 14.  You now have less than one week to put in your prediction as to what the sex of Mini Mulley is going to be!

1 comment:

Mrs. Lori Ellis-Beard said...

Cool Beans!! I like the sound of that. And I am wondering how the world will handle another Mulley...hmmm.......fabulously, I think!