28 October 2012


Jack snuggling with his baby brother

Tomorrow morning, we are expecting a call from Rex Hospital telling us when we need to come check in for our induction.  Last week at my doctors appointment, I had an ultrasound and baby is measuring on the big side and I was already 3 cm dilated--up from the 2.5 the previous week and the 2 the week before that.  When I heard that I was 3 cm dilated, I assumed I would go ahead and go into labor on my own this past week, but alas I did not.

As much as I am ready for this baby to be out of me and in my arms, I am very nervous.  As some of you know, I had a very difficult labor and delivery with Jack and still have a very long road ahead of me in terms of fully recovering from that (there to should be a whole new blog post about that--but I haven't been able to find the words to do that yet...still).  So as my pregnancy grew closer to the end my anxiety levels began to rise.  My doctors have all be amazing and supportive.  They all know my history before they ever step foot into an exam room with me and will do anything in their power to make this birth a positive experience for me.

Just this morning, it hit me that today is our last day as a family of three.  After we have this baby, things will change forever.  Yes, they will change for the good, but it is still change and change is hard.  We are in such a good place with Jack and he has such a good routine and this baby will no doubt change things.  We are thrilled to have him join our family, but we are also anticipating some rough times ahead.

I can't wait to meet this little fellow that has been living inside of me for the past nine months.  I want to snuggle him and love him and I really can't wait to introduce him to his big brother.  Jack will be an amazing big brother and I can't wait for them to be best buddies in a few years time.  I look forward to the time when Jack finds joy in making his baby brother laugh and when he shows his protective nature to care for him.  This bond that they will have will be invaluable.

So, I ask of you as you go to bed tonight and even as you rise tomorrow to please put my family in your thoughts.  Whether you pray, chant, dance, sing, bang bones together, hold a seance or light a candle--please do so with us on your mind.

We promise to update you as soon as we can! We aren't ones to keep big information to ourselves for long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers for a Happy Birth Day!