05 November 2012


I've been doing a lot of posts via Facebook and Instagram (because it's so darn easy) and unfortunately, the blog has fallen to the back burner.  Here is an update for those of you who are strictly blog followers.
We are pleased to welcome Sam David Mulley to our family.  He was born on Monday, October 29, 2012 at 7:17 pm weighing in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce and 20.5 inches long.  The labor and delivery were not as easy as we had hoped but not near as bad as we have previously experienced.

Here are some pictures from Sam's first few days:
Minutes old and already posing for pictures

Stretched out

Mom and Sam getting to know each other

Daddy and Sam

Snuggle time

Sam gets kisses from his teddy bear from England

Erin came by to give Sam a squeeze

Steph got a quick hug

before Ken stole him from her

Dave and Sam spending some time in the rocker

Granny Roady finally made it to the hospital to meet Sam

Here we go...we're leaving the hospital

Great Great Aunt Helen meets Sam

Sam ponders all of life's great mysteries

Quality snuggle time with Daddy
First family walk in the big stroller

Sam is bundled up for his walk

Aunt Kay rushed over to love on Sam

Carson couldn't wait to get her hands on him either

Uncle Bobby took some time to play with big brother Jack
We are all falling into our new roles quite well and enjoying the family time.  Dave and I are a great team and I honestly couldn't ask for a better husband to parent these two boys with.  Jack has taken to his big brother role with ease and we are eager for these boys to grow up best buddies.

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