03 June 2012

Run Daddy Run!

Dave at mile 10.4

Dave ran another half-marathon this morning and Jack and I headed out to cheer him on.  We were able to see him at a couple spots on the course as well as at the finish line.  Jack really enjoyed cheering for his daddy (and anyone else that ran by) and I'm always a fan of supporting the ones I love.  I honestly don't understand people that say they can't go cheer on their spouse or significant other.  They have clearly trained hard and deserve all the support they can get.  If I can get out there with my child and cheer...anybody can!

One of Jack's favorite things about Dave running is that he gets to wear the medal after Daddy finishes.

Jack sporting the finishers medal
psst:  Don't forget to vote on whether you think we are having a girl or a boy come November.  The poll is over there on the right side of the blog.

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