01 June 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh My!

Okay, well, no tigers or bears...but we did see lions at the zoo.  Tuesday morning, the Mulleys packed up early and headed for the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro.

Conserving all energy for the zoo

Playing coy

"Mom!  Stop singing!!!"

I don't think we could have picked a better day for the zoo!  Once we made it to the zoo, we started our journey in Africa.  We hardly saw any people while in Africa-maybe an occasional family but that was about it.  Although the people watching was lacking, the animals were all out and about.


Lady Lion

Lazy Lion


Count the Lemurs

Whatchoo Lookin' at Gorilla


Jack and Daddy checking out the Rhinos

Elephant up-close

Jack found a rhino the ride

Giraffes and zebras cohabitate well together

Jack rode an eagle on the carousel

then he rode a gorilla
There wasn't as much to take pictures of in North America and I was too lazy to take out the camera and try to get pictures.  Jack enjoyed the puffins, the otters and the seals the best.  There were several school groups in North America, but not so many that we couldn't still fully enjoy out time.

While Jack is still a little too young to fully appreciate the zoo, he still had a great time (as did we).  We had to point out most of the animals to him and as soon as the animal would move, he would start to point and giggle.  We look forward to taking Jack back again!

psst:  Don't forget to vote on whether you think we are having a girl or a boy come November.  The poll is over there on the right side of the blog.

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