Hey there, stranger! It's been a few years...
Previously on Mulley Musings, we were pregnant with our third child and sweet three-year-old Jack announced that we were going to name her Kate Nicole. On May 20, 2014 Kate joined the world and life has been quite a bit more interesting ever since!
I guess now would be great time to catch you up on the AmeriMulleys and what everyone has been up to for the past seven years.
Kate, 6.5 years
Kate is funny, charming, snuggly, smart, and a bit dramatic. She dances ballet with one of the local dance studios. She is in first grade and loves to read, draw, play pretend and make messes. Kate wants to be a pet groomer and own her own pet salon when she grows up.
Sam, 8 years
Sam is smart, sensitive, an overachiever in all things, athletic, and compasionate. He does TaeKwonDo and is working toward his Black Belt. Sam is in second grade and has better handwriting that most adults I know. He loves animals, dinosaurs, playing video games, and wants to be a zoologist when he grows up.
Jack, almost 10 years
Jack is helpful, kind, a problem solver, and almost always happy! He plays the piano and is looking forward to writing his own music one day. Jack is in the fourth grade and his favorite subjects are reading, art, and performing arts. He loves clocks (making, fixings, rebuilding, and just admiring), video games (playing and designing), and helping everyone. Jack wants to be a clockmaker when he grows up.
Elizabeth & Dave

Elizabeth is sarcastic, funny (at least she thinks so), and a self-proclaimed expert cartwheeler. She has an inability to say "no" and therefore spends any spare time she has volunteering or substitute teaching at the kids' school.
Dave is kind, generous, and level-headed. He is on his 21st year with IBM and before COVID, he was traveling globally accruing the airline miles and hotel points that allow the family to travel on fun adventures!
So that was a quick and dirty update on the AmeriMulleys. And now on to the reason for the blog resurrection. NO - we aren't having another baby...but we are moving!
Last month, Dave and I invited my mom to move in with us. Mom was happy to accept our offer and within a week of the invitation she was moved in! A few days after that, we found a new home that is a bit bigger and has a ground floor bedroom and bathroom for Mom to call her own. This huge change is proving to be as much a gift to our kids as it is to Mom. We are able to help her out with the menial tasks that often cause her discomfort as well as provide an endless stream of snuggles and company that she was sorely missing - especially during the pandemic.
Our new house will be in Wake Forest and was just a measly pile of dirt when we chose it. It is now under construction with an anticipated completion date of May 2021. We will use this platform to document the building of our home as well as other family shenanigans.
Right after we signed the paperwork! |
So without further ado, here is our first house updates from our builder, Shawn:
November 21st:
"We have started working on your new home. Footings have been dug and inspected. Footings are getting poured today! Brick points will be installed next Tuesday. I have my mason on schedule to begin the block foundation Wednesday."
Footings have been poured! |
December 4th:
"Brick points are down! I set the block heights on Wednesday and my mason began the foundation on Thursday. The foundation takes about five days. We will then backfill and waterproof the foundation. The garage slab will then be poured and we will be ready for framing materials to be delivered. Framers will be onsite once all lumber as been dropped!"
The front steps |
A view of the crawl space |
How's that for a massive AmeriMulley update. I promise the next post won't take me another seven years!