16 September 2011

In & Out

Jack has officially been out of the womb as long as he was a resident in Chez Mommy.  It's hard to image that a little over 9 months ago, we didn't technically have Jack yet.  So much has changed and, I have to admit, for the better.  I know I still have my bad days, but I certainly wouldn't change it for anything.

I've also had to change up the Friday picture a little bit.  Jack will no longer just lie there and let me take a picture of him.  I can sometimes snap the camera once before he turns over.  I tried giving him a toy to hold, but nope, that didn't work.  So now, I am sitting him up for the photo shoot.

Here's a glimpse at week 40 (Don't mind the huge bruise on his forehead.  With his new-found mobility he tends to crash into things.  I'm looking into getting him a helmet.):

1 comment:

Kristen said...

He looks like such a big boy in these pictures...I can't get over it!!