17 January 2021

Shawn Says...Part 7

"Mechanical rough in has been completed. Inspection will take place next week. Plumbers are on schedule 1/25-26. They are currently behind due to Covid. They have a few crews sidelined currently. Electrical rough will take place once plumbers have completed."

This is the final design of our house.
Ours is elevated a bit so we have steps leading to the front door.

The current state of the exterior.
We have windows and exterior doors installed.

Some of the duct work in the laundry room

Duct work at the top of the stairs

Duct work in the attic space

This is the pocket park that is across the street and
just a few doors down from our house.

Best news of all:  Elizabeth's dear childhood friend,
Marisa and her family are moving in two doors down!

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