18 April 2012


Wow, this is only my second post on this blog! I typically leave the blogging to Elizabeth, but I wanted to share this great photo from last weekend.

I ran a Half Marathon and was a little disappointed that I didn't make my goal time. That was until I got home and Jack took an interest in my medal. I asked him if he wanted to wear it and he replied "gesh, gesh" (which we take as "yes, yes" around here!).

I put the medal around his neck and his face lit up with a huge smile and he took off running to show Elizabeth. I finally managed to get him to stand still long enough to snap these photos - note the beaming smile!

I am not sure who had the bigger smile for those few minutes - me or Jack, but he certainly brightened my mood for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that Dave calls you Elizabeth. He's so British.

Laura H