07 February 2012

Little People with Great Big Plans

I did a little shopping on Craigslist recently and found a huge lot of Little People for Jack.  I have always loved Little People and almost all of my students have too.  I always get the theme song from Little people stuck in my head when I start thinking about them... Little people with great big plans. Last week, Jack and I drove to Chapel Hill to pick up our findings from Craigslist and I hummed the song the whole way there.  I was clearly much more excited about this purchase than my son was.  We met the lady and made our exchange in a grocery store parking lot and then we were off to pick up our other purchase.  When I got back in the car, Jack was a little upset that he didn't get to get out with me so I reached into one of the bags and pulled our a character.  I cleaned him off and handed him to Jack.  The one that I happened to pull out was a pilgrim from the Thanksgiving set.  I told Jack that it was his daddy.  He held on to that little guy the whole way to our other pick-up location and then the whole way to the gym.  He spoke quietly to the pilgrim and studied him intently.

Jack does not appreciate his private moments with "Daddy" being captured

Loving the "Daddy"

Whatcha lookin' at?

Taking "Daddy" for a ride on his firetruck

Very sad that Mommy took away his "Daddy"

Oh wait, there he is!

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