29 August 2011

New Tricks

Jack has been showing off a lot of his new tricks lately.  We have a strong feeling that he may actually start crawling soon.  Which is a good thing because studies show that most convicts never crawled.  I'm looking for more research regarding this statistic-mostly what crimes were committed by these non-crawlers.  If they were smart crimes, like embezzlement, I might not be as concerned as if they were scary crimes, like murder.

Anyway, besides crawling, Jack is also starting to pull up on things and he can get from the lying down position to the sitting position all by himself.  Look who's a big boy!

I got a little video footage of Jack's new tricks. Don't mind the background music...I put it there to block out the sound from the television.  It was a lot of Gordon Ramsey yelling at people and that's not very soothing.

Here is another video of Jack sitting up:

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Way to go, Jack!
The background music cracks me up!