30 May 2011

Hello Stranger!

Forgive me followers, for I have sinned.  It has been nearly two weeks since I last posted.  I'm so far behind on the ol' blog that I have been putting off writing because I don't even know where to begin.

I had every intention of blogging last week, but Dave was out of town and Jack decided that he didn't really like sleeping.  That left me with very little spare time.

I will make this post picture heavy and word light.  Since I last blogged:

We had some visitors from far, far awayland (aka England).  Grandad Fred and Nanny Lin came for a visit.  We really enjoyed having them and wish they lived closer.  While they were here; we went to the Farmer's Market and Duke Gardens, took several walks, ate way too much and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with one another.  Grandad and Nanny also went on their own adventure through The South.  They visited Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Charleston and Savannah and came back with great stories of their adventure.  I was so sad to see them leave and was a blubbering idiot as we said our goodbyes.  We are already starting to count down the days until we head to England to see them again.

While Grandad and Nanny were in town, some people came by to meet them.

Jack's Great Great Aunt Helen

Aunt Kori and Jack with their best smiles

Barbara loving on Jack's thunder thighs

Jack stayed up late to see Uncle Marcus
After the grandparents left, Jack was exhausted from all the fun we had.

I have a few more posts in the works.  Hopefully, it won't be so long before we meet again.


Mike said...

about time... we've all been waiting!!

Thanks for the update..

Kristen said...

Loved meeting Dave's parents! They are the sweetest!